550412 Our “Contact washers” family has been designed to ensure secure fastening over time for all assembly challenges. They prevent loosening of threaded assemblies due to vibration or temperature variations. This family includes a complete range of products: some of them can be used separately, others have been designed to be assembled on a nut or a screw, they can ensure electrical continuity, etc. Category: Innovative products Additional information Contact Form Additional information Dimensions 1.80 cm Ø External [d2] (mm) 14.00 Ø Internal [d1] (mm) 4.10, M 4 Internal diameter tolerance 4.10 Metal thickness (mm) 1.00 Number of splines 35 Contact FormLast name *First name *Company *Email *PhoneMessage *0 / 180 Send the message Related products PRF02959 CB8922 PRD05769 PRD05704