00026 Our “Clips to push-on one thickness” family has been designed to ensure secure and simple fastening over time. These parts are simply pressed in a hole (mostly round) in the supporting panel. Some of them can be used as plugs. This family includes a complete range of products. They can be used for different panel thicknesses, different hole diameters, etc. Category: Innovative products Additional information Additional information A1 (mm) 4.50 A2 (mm) 0.00 H1 (mm) 10.00 H2 (mm) 4.00 Hole Ø (mm) 6.70 Panel 1 maximum thickness (P) 9.90 Panel 1 minimum thickness (P) 5.00 Part length (mm) 0.00 Part width (mm) 21.00 Related products F512 PRM3682 D661 CBB8923